Storyboard Editor plugin for Adobe XD creates a storyboard easily. Please watch the demo below.
You can insert texts of captions or titles into a storyboard table on a XD document and, you can place an image too.
There is a sister tool called Storyboard Importer extension for Adobe Premiere Pro, After Effects, Animate. This tool imports storyboard data exported from Storyboard Editor plugin. It places captions and images of a storyboard data onto a timeline sequence in Pr, Ae, An.
Storyboard Editor plugin for Adobe XD
- create an empty storyboard
- import
- storyboarder project of Wonder Uniter storyboader application.
- worksheet image to split into images of boards
- images to be aligned to boards
- fountain script is imported
- board properties
- duration
- image
- source text
- comment
- board functions
- add
- update
- clear
- remove
- selection
- move or select
- auto numbering
- export
- as markdown
Storyboard Importer extension for Adobe Premiere Pro, After Effects, Animate
- imports a markdown file exported from Storyboard Editor plugin.
- imports a storyboard json exported from Stroyboard Editor plugin.
Storyboard Viewer
this is a Win/Mac app
- quickly previews json/makrdown files of storyboards exported from Storyboard Editor plugin
Downloadables from github
Storyboard Editor plugin for Adobe XD
double click the xdx file to install into Adobe XD
Storyboard Viewer
- storyboard-viewer-mac.dmg
Storyboard Importer extension for Adobe Premiere Pro, After Effects, Animate
Sample file
Tools of 3d Parties
There are good tools to create a fountain script and visual images of storyboards on the Internet. The following tools are not mandatory to use Storyboard Editor Plugin but they will create a fountain script, and pngs, jpegs images easily. See Workflow chapter.
Screenwriting software
A desktop text-editor for screenplay. It has helpful functions and user interfaces for writing scripts. It can export a fountain script for other storyboard applications or video-making software.
Drawing software for storyboard
It is a desktop application to visualize a story - a free and open-source project of Wonder Unit Inc. It can import a fountain script and then you can draw shots associated with the scene description of a fountain script.